The art season is open and every September, Antwerp Art welcomes new additions to its roster. With this article, we want to introduce to you four new members:

TICK TACK (since May, 2019) is a new destination for contemporary art in Antwerp. TT realizes, presents and promotes international exhibitions and video art screenings, complemented with publications and an extensive digital archive. Housed in the brutalist complex ‘De Zonnewijzer’ (The Sundial), a 1955 key work by architect Léon Stynen, TICK TACK occupies a historic duplex at a vivid city intersection, facing the tram stop and landscape park 'De Harmonie'. The 6-meter-high window functions as an interface between artists and audience, and between private and public space.
The TICK TACK program is dual. By day, TT presents exhibitions, at sunset, the window transforms into a projection screen under the name CINEMA TICK TACK, a new and exclusive platform for moving image works. Reaching numerous of passersby and commuters on a daily basis, CTT serves as a channel, stimulating a connection in its urban setting. As a result, both day and night, TT constantly challenges the physical and mental boundaries between inside and out.
TICK TACK will have an opening on the 18th of September, a solo exhibition by artist Joep van Liefland.


FRED&FERRY GALLERY is a brand new, artist-dedicated gallery that provides opportunities to both national and international artists. On the one hand, there's a prominent focus on public presentations and how they're is designed in dialogue with the gallery space itself, and on the other hand, visitors get a unique opportunity to meet artists at an early stage in their career.
In their words: "We represent a selected group of artists and keep on supporting specific projects of an ever-growing number of associated artists. We are committed to maintaining a good dialogue with colleague galleries and like-minded art centers. In addition to the substantive discussions and philosophical explorations, they are regularly asked to invite an artist to present his or her work. Conversely, we invite artists to give shape to a presentation at their home."
Coming Sunday, the 6th, FRED&FERRY Gallery will be opening with their very first exhibition, a solo show by Antoine Waterkeyn.


RAAT is an open city lab in the centre of Antwerp where emerging creative talent can develop and present their work. Crossing a wide range of disciplines, RAAT supports new and experimental forms of youth culture. Ten projects are selected from an annual open call by an independent jury consisting of five of their peers, with each selected project taking over the RAAT space for a period of three consecutive weeks, while receiving financial, practical, and artistic support — resulting in a programme created by artists and creatives that allows to discover new and diverse initiatives.
Tomorrow starts S.W.E.E.P.S., their second exhibition project by artists Che Go Eun, Liew Niyomkarn and Yemo Park.
RAAT is an initiative by AAIR.
Everyday Gallery
Everyday Gallery

Based in Antwerp in the new architectural district of the south, Everyday Gallery describes itself as a time capsule for future artistic references. With a mindset between the artist-run space and a commercial gallery, Everyday Gallery displays trans-disciplinary artists who dive deep into the radical world of fine and functional arts.
With the world of art and design brutally colliding, the emphasis is put on the plasticity of the workflow. Shapes are shifting and lines entangled, giving a new territory for us to explore. As a gallery, Everyday mimics these mutations and allows its exhibition space to be modular and uncanny, giving to its artists and visitors a new model in which staticity is scarce.
They'll have an opening this Friday, LIMBO, a group show with over forty artists presenting only pieces made in 2020.

With the season opening and lock down measures eased, make sure to go out and visit your favorite museums, galleries and art spaces. All of them are functioning covid-proof and will be very happy to see your faces again.