Here, in the city of Antwerp, the art season generally starts again in September, with galleries having their new shows opening in the beginning of the month, after their usual Summer break.
And with that, Antwerp Art would like to introduce to you four of its newest members:
Coppejans Gallery
Coppejans Gallery

Coppejans Gallery was erected by Stijn Coppejans in early 2020, right before the covid-period, in the red light district of Antwerp. The Gallery doesn't limit itself to solely making presentations in their space, but also likes to collaborate with local museums, collectors and academics. As follows, projects start from the relations between art, philosophy and science and therefore involves historically important names, next to showing an array of contemporary artists.
Coppejans Gallery just released a Gallery Box, containing editions, archival documents, pictures and books. Their newest show is titled WOORD with artists Alain Arias-Misson and Marie-Sophie Beinke and is open since August 28.

Otty Park
Otty Park

Otty Park is not only a new member, but also a relatively new gallery, with just three shows under its belt, opened in January of 2021. The gallery represents both young and established artists, a select group of only five: ÅBÄKE, Els Dietvorst, Maika Garnica, Adrien Tirtiaux and Benny Van den Meulengracht-Vrancx and runs an office in support of their needs. De Bureau supports them on their trajectory in the arts, depending on what is required, at what level. This can be assisting in administration and production, as well as communication and inspiration.
Everything starts with a conversation at their kitchen table. They focus on the long term. Not the shortcut, but the path on which creativity and the eagerness to respond to people, time and places go hand in hand and offering stability in return, especially the kind that tends to sustain.
Find Otty Park at Art on Paper with a duo show of Els Dietvorst and Benny Van den Meulengracht-Vrancx, running from 15-19 September and ÅBÄKE's first solo show will be opening mid October.

Pizza Gallery
Pizza Gallery

Pizza Gallery is an initiative by artist Robert Monchen, who is also involved with In de Ruimte and De Biennale van België, where during the summer, the space is a pizza place, selling pizza in order to fund a years worth of exhibitions in the very same space. All of the equipment gets moved out and what remains is a relatively small space with a large vitrine, hosting solo projects with lots of room for experimentation and engagement with its location.
Pizza Gallery works with different artists each time and has shown Maya Strobbe, Anna Godzina, Dieter Durinck, Brecht Heytens and Leon De Bruijne. For now they are still selling pizza, but as of October the space is turned into a gallery again.


On November 18th, PONTI will be opening its doors in one of the old spaces of Callewaert Vanlangendonck Gallery. This new gallery project will be run by Yoeri Vanlangendonck together with David Vermeiren, Thor Salden and Beau Stollenwerk and puts the focus completely on contemporary art. PONTI aims to be a freehaven for young artists, whatever medium they use in order to express their artistic urges. PONTI refers to building bridges. Bridges between artists and the public, between artists and the public space.
Stay tuned for more information on their first exhibition.
The new MoMu
The new MoMu

Technically not a new member, but MoMu, the Antwerp Fashion museum, has been closed for renovations since 2019 and is reopening its doors as of September fourth, hosting an ambitious opening program titled: Fashion 2.021 Antwerp – Fashion/Conscious. Until January 2022, MoMu will offer a line-up of fascinating exhibitions, open-air projects, city walks and activities. The overarching theme of it all being the global transition and meaningful shifts within the world of fashion. The program isn't limited to just the museum grounds, as it is spread across town at multiple locations with all kinds of events.
With Antwerp being one of the fashion capitols of the world, this is unmissable.

You can find all the latest information on our members' agenda's on antwerpart.be. See you around and hope you enjoy what our city has to offer in terms of contemporary art.