Fred Bervoets (°1942, Burcht) lives and works in Antwerp. He has collaborated with the gallery De Zwarte Panter from the very beginning. In his career, Bervoets has experienced numerous periods and realized several series in one constant line of high intensity and great quality. The work of Fred Bervoets is on permanent display in the room dedicated to him in Galerie De Zwarte Panter. In his solo exhibition on view during the Antwerp Art Weekend, the artist exhibits both older work and his most recent creations, including self-portraits, war scenes and scenes from everyday life are featured extensively.

Mugo (°1953, Ghent), who has been working with De Zwarte Panter since 1986, has been living in the Koetshuis on the grounds of Het Klaverken Castle in Heusden for about three years. The wonderful world of dreams and fantasy now flows into a realistic setting where Mugo still wanders around as a country squire. It is here that the series of drawings in his solo exhibition at De Zwarte Panter were created.
Pen and pencil drawings with themes about magicians, castles and jugglers, where the handwritten texts form an important part of the composition. An aristocratic air hangs over his prints. Even more than before, his handwriting becomes important. The clean writing from his college days, which he has continued to maintain, forms a buffer, a resting point in the digital world in which we live. He also wrote his invitations with pen and ink. After all, that's where the exhibition begins. All details make up the whole.
The British artist Michael Bastow (°1943, Bideford) has been a guest artist at the De Zwarte Panter gallery since 2002. During the Antwerp Art Weekend, you can visit a new solo gallery at the gallery.
"There is an expression in english, Spring cleaning, clearing out the house for a new year. I have been carrying out a spring cleaning not only in my studio, but also in my head. The works I am showing are fragments of the chaos which is my studio, but also fragments of my thinking about art, fragments of my imagination and literally fragments of the works themselves. All art is ephemeral or should be, nothing is ever finished, everything can either be expressed better or painted over. Thank god for Gesso!" - Michael Bastow
2000 Antwerpen
De Zwarte Panter is Flanders oldest gallery, organising contemporary art exhibitions, book launches, and concerts since 1968. Housed in a large historical monument in Antwerp’s city centre, the gallery often presents several exhibitions simultaneously, including a permanent display of works by painter Fred Bervoets. Next to Bervoets, the gallery represents, amongst others, Nick Andrews, Marc Kennes, Tom Liekens, Benjamin Demeyere, Frank Wagemans, Jan Vanriet, Michel Buylen, Agnes Guillaume, Dr. Hugo Heyrman, Roger Van Akelijen, Ysbrant, Jan Cox, Herr Seele, and Kamagurka.