At the former industrial Engiesite on Lobroekdoek, 47 artists/ studio holders present their work in duos or collectives.
Through cross-disciplinary collaboration, a rich dialogue emerges that enhances the diversity of these artists. Rendez-vous is a kaleidoscope of ideas, techniques, and perspectives that complement and challenge each other. It is an experiment in collaboration, where artists engage with one another, seeking a common narrative or contrast. This exhibition invites visitors not only to experience the artworks but also to engage with the symbiosis, interactions, and relationships that develop between the works. It is an encounter, a moment of connection between the artists themselves and between the artists and their audience.
Rendez-vous is more than an exhibition; it is a meeting place, a space for discovery, dialogue, and forging new connections.
Participating Artists:
Aaron Harris, Adin Lubis, Alec De Bruyn, Antje Bots, Anton Geerts, Attila Buonsenso, Ayham Alafshari, Beau Van Hoydonck, Bram Rombouts, Caro De Meyer, Casper Fredeus, Daniel Granados, Davey Waxx Verhaeghe, Dries Willems, Els De Laet, Enya Duchateau, Fabienne Snellinx, Gertjan Van Oevelen, Guy Woueté, Honey Azamosa, Indra De Bruyn, Izabel Angerer, James Lethbridge, Joanna Madclone, Kell Mertens, Lamine Diouf, Len Binoë, Mara Harbon, Marthe Van Dessel, Mireille Dubois, Nelson De Bok, Reindert Swaegers, Sara Dandois, Sharon Van Overmeiren, Simon Van Brandt, Stephanie Schneider, Vincent Groos, Wieke Aerts, Yan Geaudeville, Yasmine Akondo, Yent Demunter, Zahra Eljaddid, Zoro Feigl.